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= ENTSOG data as relational database  =
(Experimental, physical flow data from 01 Jan 2021 to 05 Aug 2022, where flow value is not null)
Postgres access: <code> psql -h embargo.energy -U embargo gas </code>; password: 9mTc_9hPjk}&D27/F,VHC8qG
Some fields:
== Table operator: ==
* adjacentcountry: non-TSO country (includes non-EU countries such as RU, MK, NO)
* crossborderpointtype, examples: 'In-country EU', 'Cross-Border EU|EU', 'Cross-Border EU|Non-EU', 'Cross-Border Non-EU|Non-EU', 'In-country Non-EU'
* directionkey, examples: 'exit', 'entry'
* eurelationship, examples: 'within EU', 'between EU and Non-EU', 'Non-EU'
* hasdata, examples: 'True', 'False'
* id, examples: '5DE-TSO-0014VTP-00045exitDE-TSO-0010', '5DE-TSO-0002VTP-00012exitDE-TSO-0007'
* isdoublereporting, examples: 'None', 'False', 'True'
* ispipeinpipe, examples: 'False', 'True'
* isvirtualizedcommercially, examples: 'False', 'True'
* isvirtualizedoperationally, examples: 'False', 'True'
* lastupdatedatetime, examples: '2022-07-05T19:07:06+02:00'
* operatorkey, examples: 'UK-TSO-0001', 'NL-TSO-0001', 'DE-TSO-0005'
* operatorlabel, examples: 'National Grid Gas', 'GTS', 'Gasunie Deutschland '
* pointkey, examples: 'VTP-00045', 'VTP-00011', 'VTP-00012'
* pointlabel, examples: 'THE VTP (DE)', 'VHP GASPOOL', 'VHP NetConnectGermany', 'Wallbach'
* pointtype, examples: 'Trading Point', 'Cross-Border Transmission IP within EU', 'Storage point', 'Distribution Point', 'Cross-Border Transmission IP between EU and Non-EU (import)', 'Cross-Border Transmission IP between EU and Non-EU'
* tsobalancingzone, examples: 'DE THE BZ', <nowiki>''</nowiki>, 'UK', 'Netherlands', 'TRF',
* tsocountry: country of TSO (includes non-EU countries such as RU, MK, NO)
* virtualreverseflow, examples: 'No', 'Yes'
== Table: flows ==
* bookingplatformkey, examples: '', 'PRISMA', 'RBP', 'GSA', 'None'
* directionkey, examples: 'exit', 'entry'
* flowstatus, examples: 'Provisional', 'Confirmed'
* id, examples: '1Physical Flowday2020-12-312021-01-01CZ-TSO-0001ITP-00535exitkWh/d', '1Physical Flowday2020-12-312021-01-01CZ-TSO-0001ITP-00537entrykWh/d', '1Physical Flowday2020-12-312021-01-01CZ-TSO-0001ITP-00537exitkWh/d'
* idpointtype, examples: '0', '6', '17', '1', '18', '5', '15', '14', '3', '2'
* indicator, examples: 'Physical Flow'
* itemremarks, examples: 'None', 'Physical Flow Remark', 'No comment', 'According to Annex 1 Chapter 3 of Regulation CE n. 715/2009, physical flow data are published in aggregate. Capacity information per point are available at www.snamretegas.it at the following path: Business & Services/Thermal year/Transportation capacity.'
* lastupdatedatetime, examples: '2021-12-24T15:35:23+01:00', '2022-04-28T02:05:53+02:00', '2021-08-24T07:55:09+02:00', '2022-05-25T08:59:09+02:00', '2022-03-17T07:54:09+01:00', '2021-03-31T07:53:09+02:00', '2022-01-26T10:47:08+01:00'
* operatorkey, examples: 'UK-TSO-0001', 'DE-TSO-0009', 'NL-TSO-0001', 'GR-TSO-0001', 'DE-TSO-0005', 'BE-TSO-0001', 'PL-TSO-0002', 'DE-TSO-0001', 'CZ-TSO-0001', 'IT-TSO-0001'
* operatorlabel, examples: 'National Grid Gas', 'Open Grid Europe', 'GTS', 'DESFA', 'Gasunie Deutschland ', 'Fluxys Belgium', 'GAZ-SYSTEM', 'GASCADE Gastransport', 'NET4GAS', 'Snam Rete Gas'
* periodfrom, examples: '2021-04-20 06:00:00', '2021-09-23 06:00:00', '2021-09-24 06:00:00', '2021-09-25 06:00:00', '2021-09-26 06:00:00', '2021-09-27 06:00:00', '2021-09-28 06:00:00', '2021-09-29 06:00:00', '2021-04-08 06:00:00'
* periodto, examples: '2021-04-21 06:00:00', '2021-09-24 06:00:00', '2021-09-25 06:00:00', '2021-09-26 06:00:00', '2021-09-27 06:00:00', '2021-09-28 06:00:00', '2021-09-29 06:00:00', '2021-09-30 06:00:00', '2021-04-09 06:00:00'
* periodtype, examples: 'day'
* pointkey, examples: 'ITP-00535', 'ITP-00019', 'ITP-00537', 'ITP-00538', 'ITP-00015', 'ITP-00027', 'ITP-00049', 'ITP-00051', 'ITP-00061', 'ITP-00076'
* pointlabel, examples: 'Deutschneudorf EUGAL Brandov ', 'Überackern ABG (AT) / Überackern (DE)', 'Balassagyarmat (HU) / Velké Zlievce (SK)', 'Bunde (DE) / Oude Statenzijl (H) (NL) (GASCADE)', 'Cieszyn (PL) / Český Těšín (CZ)'
* pointtype, examples: 'Cross-Border Transmission IP within EU', 'Storage point', 'Distribution Point', 'Cross-Border Transmission IP between EU and Non-EU (import)', 'Aggregated Point - Final Consumers'
* tsoeiccode, examples: '21X-GB-A-A0A0A-7', '21X-DE-C-A0A0A-T', '21X-NL-A-A0A0A-Z', '21X-GR-A-A0A0A-G', '21X-DE-D-A0A0A-K', '21X-BE-A-A0A0A-Y', '21X-PL-A-A0A0A-B', '21X-DE-H-A0A0A-L', '21X000000001304L', '21X-IT-A-A0A0A-7'
* tsoitemidentifier, examples: '21Z0000000004839', '21Z000000000002E', '21Z0000000004863', '21Z000000000489Y', '21Z0000000000074', '21Z0000000000228', '21Z000000000044Z', '21Z000000000056S', '21Z000000000061Z', '21Z000000000074Q'
* unit, examples: 'kWh/d'
* value, examples: '0', '9048000', '1', '168000', '1000', '7', '2', '6', '39730478', '278'
== Some tentative examples ==
[[File:Screen-2022-08-16-20-46-24.png|thumb| DE/DK flows ]]
Emulate German THE data for Denmark exports 16 July 2022 https://www.tradinghub.eu/en-gb/Publications/Transparency/Market-area-monitor
select '====', operator.operatorlabel, value, flows.directionkey, ispipeinpipe, * from flows left outer join operator on flows.pointkey = operator.pointkey and flows.directionkey = operator.directionkey and flows.operatorkey = operator.operatorkey where tsocountry = 'DE' and adjacentcountry = 'DK' and date(periodfrom)='2022-07-16' and value > 0 order by operator.operatorlabel;
Output still needs to be cleaned for a duplicated directions and tsoitemidentifier (tptsoitemlabel = VIP DK-THE).
Confirm no flow through Nordstream 1 on 15 July 2022:
select '======================', ispipeinpipe, operator.operatorlabel, * from flows left join operator on flows.pointkey = operator.pointkey where tsocountry = 'DE' and adjacentcountry = 'RU' and date(periodto)='2022-07-15' order by operator.operatorlabel;
===== Challenges =====
Data quality: [[File:Screen.png|thumb|> 1000 GWh flow (probably erroneous data)]]
Give out consumption (apparently underestimation)
select left(operatorkey,2), date_trunc('month', periodto), round(sum(value)) from flows where pointkey in (select pointKey from operator where pointtype = 'Aggregated Point - Final Consumers') and flowstatus = 'Confirmed' group by left(operatorkey,2), date_trunc('month', periodto) order by left(operatorkey,2), date_trunc('month', periodto);
Sort by distribution points
select pointlabel, operatorlabel, sum(value) from flows where pointkey in (select pointKey from operator where pointtype = 'Aggregated Point - Final Consumers') and periodto > '2022-07-01' and periodto <= '2022-08-01' and left(operatorkey,2) = 'DE' group by operatorlabel, pointlabel order by operatorlabel ;
German cross-border transmissions
select left(operatorkey,2), date_trunc('month', periodto), round(sum(value)) from flows where pointkey in (select pointKey from operator where pointtype like 'Cross-Border Transmission IP%' and tsoCountry = 'DE' and isPipeInPipe = 'False') group by left(operatorkey,2), date_trunc('month', periodto) order by left(operatorkey,2), date_trunc('month', periodto);
Czech border transmissions
as=# copy (select * from entsog_flows left outer join entsog_operator on entsog_flows.pointkey = entsog_operator.pointkey where entsog_operator.pointkey in (select pointkey from entsog_operator where adjacentcountry = 'DE' and tsocountry = 'CZ' union select entsog_operator.pointkey from entsog_operator where adjacentcountry = 'CZ' and tsocountry = 'DE') order by periodfrom desc) to '/tmp/data.csv' with CSV DELIMITER ',' HEADER;
Python scripts: <code>git clone https://git.embargo.energy/entsog.git</code>
Comments spotted: "Please note that the German dual system in VIP implementation leads to a Co-existence of Virtual Interconnection Points and Interconnection Points and may result in publication of the same physical flow at several points"

Latest revision as of 06:39, 17 October 2022

ENTSOG data as relational database[edit | edit source]

(Experimental, physical flow data from 01 Jan 2021 to 05 Aug 2022, where flow value is not null)

Postgres access: psql -h embargo.energy -U embargo gas ; password: 9mTc_9hPjk}&D27/F,VHC8qG

Some fields:

Table operator:[edit | edit source]

  • adjacentcountry: non-TSO country (includes non-EU countries such as RU, MK, NO)
  • crossborderpointtype, examples: 'In-country EU', 'Cross-Border EU|EU', 'Cross-Border EU|Non-EU', 'Cross-Border Non-EU|Non-EU', 'In-country Non-EU'
  • directionkey, examples: 'exit', 'entry'
  • eurelationship, examples: 'within EU', 'between EU and Non-EU', 'Non-EU'
  • hasdata, examples: 'True', 'False'
  • id, examples: '5DE-TSO-0014VTP-00045exitDE-TSO-0010', '5DE-TSO-0002VTP-00012exitDE-TSO-0007'
  • isdoublereporting, examples: 'None', 'False', 'True'
  • ispipeinpipe, examples: 'False', 'True'
  • isvirtualizedcommercially, examples: 'False', 'True'
  • isvirtualizedoperationally, examples: 'False', 'True'
  • lastupdatedatetime, examples: '2022-07-05T19:07:06+02:00'
  • operatorkey, examples: 'UK-TSO-0001', 'NL-TSO-0001', 'DE-TSO-0005'
  • operatorlabel, examples: 'National Grid Gas', 'GTS', 'Gasunie Deutschland '
  • pointkey, examples: 'VTP-00045', 'VTP-00011', 'VTP-00012'
  • pointlabel, examples: 'THE VTP (DE)', 'VHP GASPOOL', 'VHP NetConnectGermany', 'Wallbach'
  • pointtype, examples: 'Trading Point', 'Cross-Border Transmission IP within EU', 'Storage point', 'Distribution Point', 'Cross-Border Transmission IP between EU and Non-EU (import)', 'Cross-Border Transmission IP between EU and Non-EU'
  • tsobalancingzone, examples: 'DE THE BZ', '', 'UK', 'Netherlands', 'TRF',
  • tsocountry: country of TSO (includes non-EU countries such as RU, MK, NO)
  • virtualreverseflow, examples: 'No', 'Yes'

Table: flows[edit | edit source]

  • bookingplatformkey, examples: , 'PRISMA', 'RBP', 'GSA', 'None'
  • directionkey, examples: 'exit', 'entry'
  • flowstatus, examples: 'Provisional', 'Confirmed'
  • id, examples: '1Physical Flowday2020-12-312021-01-01CZ-TSO-0001ITP-00535exitkWh/d', '1Physical Flowday2020-12-312021-01-01CZ-TSO-0001ITP-00537entrykWh/d', '1Physical Flowday2020-12-312021-01-01CZ-TSO-0001ITP-00537exitkWh/d'
  • idpointtype, examples: '0', '6', '17', '1', '18', '5', '15', '14', '3', '2'
  • indicator, examples: 'Physical Flow'
  • itemremarks, examples: 'None', 'Physical Flow Remark', 'No comment', 'According to Annex 1 Chapter 3 of Regulation CE n. 715/2009, physical flow data are published in aggregate. Capacity information per point are available at www.snamretegas.it at the following path: Business & Services/Thermal year/Transportation capacity.'
  • lastupdatedatetime, examples: '2021-12-24T15:35:23+01:00', '2022-04-28T02:05:53+02:00', '2021-08-24T07:55:09+02:00', '2022-05-25T08:59:09+02:00', '2022-03-17T07:54:09+01:00', '2021-03-31T07:53:09+02:00', '2022-01-26T10:47:08+01:00'
  • operatorkey, examples: 'UK-TSO-0001', 'DE-TSO-0009', 'NL-TSO-0001', 'GR-TSO-0001', 'DE-TSO-0005', 'BE-TSO-0001', 'PL-TSO-0002', 'DE-TSO-0001', 'CZ-TSO-0001', 'IT-TSO-0001'
  • operatorlabel, examples: 'National Grid Gas', 'Open Grid Europe', 'GTS', 'DESFA', 'Gasunie Deutschland ', 'Fluxys Belgium', 'GAZ-SYSTEM', 'GASCADE Gastransport', 'NET4GAS', 'Snam Rete Gas'
  • periodfrom, examples: '2021-04-20 06:00:00', '2021-09-23 06:00:00', '2021-09-24 06:00:00', '2021-09-25 06:00:00', '2021-09-26 06:00:00', '2021-09-27 06:00:00', '2021-09-28 06:00:00', '2021-09-29 06:00:00', '2021-04-08 06:00:00'
  • periodto, examples: '2021-04-21 06:00:00', '2021-09-24 06:00:00', '2021-09-25 06:00:00', '2021-09-26 06:00:00', '2021-09-27 06:00:00', '2021-09-28 06:00:00', '2021-09-29 06:00:00', '2021-09-30 06:00:00', '2021-04-09 06:00:00'
  • periodtype, examples: 'day'
  • pointkey, examples: 'ITP-00535', 'ITP-00019', 'ITP-00537', 'ITP-00538', 'ITP-00015', 'ITP-00027', 'ITP-00049', 'ITP-00051', 'ITP-00061', 'ITP-00076'
  • pointlabel, examples: 'Deutschneudorf EUGAL Brandov ', 'Überackern ABG (AT) / Überackern (DE)', 'Balassagyarmat (HU) / Velké Zlievce (SK)', 'Bunde (DE) / Oude Statenzijl (H) (NL) (GASCADE)', 'Cieszyn (PL) / Český Těšín (CZ)'
  • pointtype, examples: 'Cross-Border Transmission IP within EU', 'Storage point', 'Distribution Point', 'Cross-Border Transmission IP between EU and Non-EU (import)', 'Aggregated Point - Final Consumers'
  • tsoeiccode, examples: '21X-GB-A-A0A0A-7', '21X-DE-C-A0A0A-T', '21X-NL-A-A0A0A-Z', '21X-GR-A-A0A0A-G', '21X-DE-D-A0A0A-K', '21X-BE-A-A0A0A-Y', '21X-PL-A-A0A0A-B', '21X-DE-H-A0A0A-L', '21X000000001304L', '21X-IT-A-A0A0A-7'
  • tsoitemidentifier, examples: '21Z0000000004839', '21Z000000000002E', '21Z0000000004863', '21Z000000000489Y', '21Z0000000000074', '21Z0000000000228', '21Z000000000044Z', '21Z000000000056S', '21Z000000000061Z', '21Z000000000074Q'
  • unit, examples: 'kWh/d'
  • value, examples: '0', '9048000', '1', '168000', '1000', '7', '2', '6', '39730478', '278'

Some tentative examples[edit | edit source]

DE/DK flows

Emulate German THE data for Denmark exports 16 July 2022 https://www.tradinghub.eu/en-gb/Publications/Transparency/Market-area-monitor

select '====', operator.operatorlabel, value, flows.directionkey, ispipeinpipe, * from flows left outer join operator on flows.pointkey = operator.pointkey and flows.directionkey = operator.directionkey and flows.operatorkey = operator.operatorkey where tsocountry = 'DE' and adjacentcountry = 'DK' and date(periodfrom)='2022-07-16' and value > 0 order by operator.operatorlabel; Output still needs to be cleaned for a duplicated directions and tsoitemidentifier (tptsoitemlabel = VIP DK-THE).

Confirm no flow through Nordstream 1 on 15 July 2022: select '======================', ispipeinpipe, operator.operatorlabel, * from flows left join operator on flows.pointkey = operator.pointkey where tsocountry = 'DE' and adjacentcountry = 'RU' and date(periodto)='2022-07-15' order by operator.operatorlabel;

Challenges[edit | edit source]

Data quality:

> 1000 GWh flow (probably erroneous data)

Give out consumption (apparently underestimation)

select left(operatorkey,2), date_trunc('month', periodto), round(sum(value)) from flows where pointkey in (select pointKey from operator where pointtype = 'Aggregated Point - Final Consumers') and flowstatus = 'Confirmed' group by left(operatorkey,2), date_trunc('month', periodto) order by left(operatorkey,2), date_trunc('month', periodto);

Sort by distribution points select pointlabel, operatorlabel, sum(value) from flows where pointkey in (select pointKey from operator where pointtype = 'Aggregated Point - Final Consumers') and periodto > '2022-07-01' and periodto <= '2022-08-01' and left(operatorkey,2) = 'DE' group by operatorlabel, pointlabel order by operatorlabel ;

German cross-border transmissions select left(operatorkey,2), date_trunc('month', periodto), round(sum(value)) from flows where pointkey in (select pointKey from operator where pointtype like 'Cross-Border Transmission IP%' and tsoCountry = 'DE' and isPipeInPipe = 'False') group by left(operatorkey,2), date_trunc('month', periodto) order by left(operatorkey,2), date_trunc('month', periodto);

Czech border transmissions as=# copy (select * from entsog_flows left outer join entsog_operator on entsog_flows.pointkey = entsog_operator.pointkey where entsog_operator.pointkey in (select pointkey from entsog_operator where adjacentcountry = 'DE' and tsocountry = 'CZ' union select entsog_operator.pointkey from entsog_operator where adjacentcountry = 'CZ' and tsocountry = 'DE') order by periodfrom desc) to '/tmp/data.csv' with CSV DELIMITER ',' HEADER;

Python scripts: git clone https://git.embargo.energy/entsog.git

Comments spotted: "Please note that the German dual system in VIP implementation leads to a Co-existence of Virtual Interconnection Points and Interconnection Points and may result in publication of the same physical flow at several points"