Energy Embargo Now!

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This wiki collects information about an energy embargo to stop the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Our aim is to improve public discussion, which is plagued by multiple fallacies well known from past debates (climate change, renewable energy etc.). In particular, scientific studies and quantitative analyses are criticized or even dismissed due to their inherent uncertainty, which is misinterpreted as "inaccuracy". At the same time, these studies are contrasted with anti-embargo opinions, which are based on gut feelings or non-transparent "expert assessment", and often expressed by individuals with obvious conflict of interest. Furthermore, the costs of action (embargo) are compared with the status quo and pre-war economic forecasts, thereby falsely assuming the costs of inaction would be zero.

Update notice 20 Feb 2023

The energy embargo has mostly succeeded (although many European states still receive oil/gas via pipelines and Germany is still importing LNG from Russia, but this is becoming more and more residual). Probably the most useful page at the moment is the list of demonstrations . But this does not preclude other content (e.g. in autumn we collected info on energy fundraisers or new content, say on weapons deliveries). In case you want to revive this site (also possibly under a more up-to-date name), feel free to contact see Joining .

Why energy embargo? Three main arguments

1. Embargo is EFFECTIVE: Impact on Russia

2. Embargo is FEASIBLE: Costs for the EU

3. Embargo is RIGHT: Ethical, ecological and pragmatic arguments

So why are we still funding the war?

Our dependency on Russian fossil fuels is no coincidence. Many companies in Europe and especially in Germany built their business model on cheap fossil energy from Russia. For decades, they made huge profits at the cost of neighbor countries (and environment). And now, they are afraid to lose these profits. So they want YOU to be afraid too. That's why we hear all this nonsense about 'demolition of the whole economy', blackouts, mass unemployment and poverty etc. etc.

What can I do?

Further reading