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Economical studies

Numerous studies by different research institutes and think tanks show that immediate embargo of Russian gas, oil and coal would be manageable.

Author Date Scope Energy type Title Estimated impact
DIW Berlin
ifo München
IfW Kiel
IWH Halle
RWI Essen [1]
12.04.2022 Germany All From pandemic to the energy crisis – Economy and politics under permanent stress GDP: +1.9% in 2022, -2.2% in 2023
Unemployment: 5.2% in 2023, 6.0% in 2023
DIW [2] 08.04.2022 Germany Natural gas Energy supply in Germany is secured also without natural gas from Russia ~10% gas shortage
ECONtribute [3] 07.03.2022 Germany All What if...? The economic impact of a Russian energy import ban on Germany -0,5 % to -3 % GDP
Allianz Research [4] 03.03.2022 Europe Natural gas Can Europe do without Russian gas? +40% electricity price increase and a +100% gas price, which would reduce demand by 8-10% and increase supply from alternative sources by 8-10% in the short-term

Acknowledgments: Parts of the analysis from https://weact.campact.de/org/petitions/importstopp-von-russian-gas-jetzt-ohne-finanzierung-von-putins-kriegsmaschinerie-mehr


Gas Delivery Reports

cost accounts:

For comparison: US cost of war in Afghanistan: $2.313 trillion, Watson Institute. “Human and Budgetary Costs to Date of the US War in Afghanistan, 2001-2022 | Characters | cost of war." The Costs of War, 2022. https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/figures/2021/human-and-budgetary-costs-date-us-war-afghanistan-2001-2022