Energy data

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Here we list energy open data:


Trading Hub Europe

THE, Germany: Daily gas consumption


BNetzA, Germany: Daily briefings about gas imports, storage, and consumption

Realized gas savings in 2022
Month 2021 2022 Diff. Diff.
TWh TWh TWh %
Jan 142.3 129 -13.3 -9.3 %
Feb 121.2 106 -15.2 -12.5 %
Mar 109.7 92.5 -17.2 -15.7 %
Apr 95.9 82.0 -13.9 -14.5 %
May 68.2 51.0 -17.2 -25.2 %
Jun 46.1 39.6 -6.5 -14.1 %
Jul 40.4 39.1 -1.3 -3.2 %
Aug 38.8
Sep 45.3
Oct 73.2
Nov 109.7
Dec 125.6
TOTAL 1016.4 -84.6


BDEW: Monthly gas consumption in Germany 2022 vs. 2021



Gas storage inventory

Data not in AGSI summary:


ENTSOG gas data

ENTSOG example query to get physical flows on 01 March 2022:

Some analyses (experimental, feedback welcome):

ENTSOG data as relational database

(Experimental, physical flow data from 01 Jan 2021 to 05 Aug 2022, where flow value is not null)

Postgres access: psql -h -U embargo entsog ; password: 9mTc_9hPjk}&D27/F,VHC8qG

Some fields:

Table operator:
  • adjacentcountry: non-TSO country (includes non-EU countries such as RU, MK, NO)
  • crossborderpointtype, examples: 'In-country EU', 'Cross-Border EU|EU', 'Cross-Border EU|Non-EU', 'Cross-Border Non-EU|Non-EU', 'In-country Non-EU'
  • directionkey, examples: 'exit', 'entry'
  • eurelationship, examples: 'within EU', 'between EU and Non-EU', 'Non-EU'
  • hasdata, examples: 'True', 'False'
  • id, examples: '5DE-TSO-0014VTP-00045exitDE-TSO-0010', '5DE-TSO-0002VTP-00012exitDE-TSO-0007'
  • isdoublereporting, examples: 'None', 'False', 'True'
  • ispipeinpipe, examples: 'False', 'True'
  • isvirtualizedcommercially, examples: 'False', 'True'
  • isvirtualizedoperationally, examples: 'False', 'True'
  • lastupdatedatetime, examples: '2022-07-05T19:07:06+02:00'
  • operatorkey, examples: 'UK-TSO-0001', 'NL-TSO-0001', 'DE-TSO-0005'
  • operatorlabel, examples: 'National Grid Gas', 'GTS', 'Gasunie Deutschland '
  • pointkey, examples: 'VTP-00045', 'VTP-00011', 'VTP-00012'
  • pointlabel, examples: 'THE VTP (DE)', 'VHP GASPOOL', 'VHP NetConnectGermany', 'Wallbach'
  • pointtype, examples: 'Trading Point', 'Cross-Border Transmission IP within EU', 'Storage point', 'Distribution Point', 'Cross-Border Transmission IP between EU and Non-EU (import)', 'Cross-Border Transmission IP between EU and Non-EU'
  • tsobalancingzone, examples: 'DE THE BZ', '', 'UK', 'Netherlands', 'TRF',
  • tsocountry: country of TSO (includes non-EU countries such as RU, MK, NO)
  • virtualreverseflow, examples: 'No', 'Yes'

Some tentative examples:

Give out consumption (apparently underestimation)

select left(operatorkey,2), date_trunc('month', periodto), round(sum(value)) from flows where pointkey in (select pointKey from operator where pointtype = 'Aggregated Point - Final Consumers') and flowstatus = 'Confirmed' group by left(operatorkey,2), date_trunc('month', periodto) order by left(operatorkey,2), date_trunc('month', periodto);

Sort by distribution points select pointlabel, operatorlabel, sum(value) from flows where pointkey in (select pointKey from operator where pointtype = 'Aggregated Point - Final Consumers') and periodto > '2022-07-01' and periodto <= '2022-08-01' and left(operatorkey,2) = 'DE' group by operatorlabel, pointlabel order by operatorlabel ;

German cross-border transmissions select left(operatorkey,2), date_trunc('month', periodto), round(sum(value)) from flows where pointkey in (select pointKey from operator where pointtype like 'Cross-Border Transmission IP%' and tsoCountry = 'DE' and isPipeInPipe = 'False') group by left(operatorkey,2), date_trunc('month', periodto) order by left(operatorkey,2), date_trunc('month', periodto);

Python scripts: git clone

EU: Energy prices