Gas payments

From embargo
Revision as of 17:16, 1 June 2022 by Alexk (talk | contribs)
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So far, five EU countries have seen supplies of Russian gas stop over their energy companies' refusal to comply with a Russian decree issued March 31 requiring gas payments from "unfriendly countries" to be made via two accounts at Russia's Gazprombank — one in euros or dollars, and one in rubles for a final currency conversion. But many more energy companies are voluntarily making payments via Russian bank accounts. All insist those payments are in line with EU sanctions. [1]

Status Company Country Yearly imports (mln m3)
Refused PGNiG Poland 9900
Refused Bulgargaz Bulgaria 2390[2]
Refused Gasum Finnland 2460
Refused GasTerra[3] The Netherlands 2000
Refused Ørsted[4] Denmark 2000[5]
Refused Shell Energy Europe[4] Germany 1200
Paying MVM Hungary ???
Paying VNG Germany ???
Paying RWE Germany ???
Paying Uniper Germany ???
Paying Engie France ???
Paying Eni Italy ???
Paying OMV Austria ???
Paying ČEZ Czech Republic ???
Paying SPP Slovakia ???
Paying Geoplin Slovenia ???
